SafeTravels with R stamp

'Safe Travels' Stamp Application

The Safe Travels stamp allows travellers and other Travel & Tourism stakeholders to recognise destination authorities and companies around the world that have implemented health and hygiene protocols that are aligned with WTTC’s Global Safe Travels Protocols.

The Safe Travels stamp does not indicate the level of COVID-19 in a destination. Destinations and companies are requested to use the stamp responsibly.

Use of the Stamp does not imply any relationship with, or endorsement or sponsorship by, WTTC.

Please read the following guide for background on the Safe Travels protocols and stamp.

The Process

The Safe Travels stamp is free to use and is available to:

The application process for each category is outlined below.

If you are interested in membership, click here.

Key Responsibilities

Users of the stamp will confirm that they will implement and will ensure ongoing compliance with, the Safe Travels protocols and, in the case of aviation, the International Civil Aviation Organization’s “Takeoff: Guidance for Air Travel through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis”, as outlined in our Terms & Conditions.

Public destination authorities, WTTC Members, and Travel & Tourism industry associations will advocate the implementation and uptake of the Safe Travels protocols and stamp to their subsidiary public sector authorities and private sector organisations and ensure their ongoing compliance with the Protocols and Terms & Conditions.

Stamp users are encouraged to promote the stamp on social media, using the hashtag #SafeTravels, and to add the stamp with their logos to their website, emails, locations, etc.

View the below PDFs for more responsibilities and implementation examples.

Companies involved in Travel & Tourism (non-WTTC members)

1. Companies involved in Travel & Tourism who are not WTTC Members and interested in applying for the stamp, must reach out to either their relevant public authority or industry association. They can issue the stamp to you, provided you comply with the relevant Protocols and our Terms & Conditions. Please consult the document below to see who to reach out to:

Note: the below document will be continuously updated. There are a number of destinations that are in the process of reviewing the protocols.

If you are not represented, we recommend that you raise the matter with your most relevant public authority or industry association.

Please reach out to your relevant public authority or industry association before contacting us. If you have questions on the above, email only.

For public Destination Authorities only

1. If you do not have protocols, please send us your request to

2. If you already have protocols, please first ensure they are aligned with our Core Requirements and, in the case of aviation, with the International Civil Aviation Organization’s “Takeoff: Guidance for Air Travel through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis”.

3. Once you are satisfied your protocols are aligned with our Core Requirements, please send us your request and protocols for review to

If you have any questions, please email This email address is for destination authorities only. If you are a tour operator, hotel chain, etc please email

For WTTC Members only

1. You will need to implement the relevant WTTC protocols first and in the case of aviation, the International Civil Aviation Organization’s “Takeoff: Guidance for Air Travel through the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis”.

2. Contact who will send you a link to the T&Cs Form.

If you are a subsidiary of a WTTC member, please contact your head offices who will give you the stamp.

For international and national-level Travel & Tourism industry associations only

1. If you have industry protocols, please ensure that they are aligned with the SafeTravel Protocols. Our Core Requirements serves as a useful checklist. If you do not have protocols, you may adopt the relevant WTTC Safe Travels protocols.

2. Contact our team at, who will send you a link to an Application Form.

Strategic Partners:        AMEX  Ministry of Tourism Saudi Arabia