G20 Recovery Plan

G20's Public & Private Sector Recovery Plan

Since the start of the pandemic and to help the sector recovery, we have been working with Governments to reopen the sector not only to save millions of jobs but also to recover the millions of GDP that have been lost.

During their G20 Chairmanship, Saudi Arabia requested the collaboration of the Travel & Tourism private sector in developing a path to recovery. In response, WTTC’s Members developed and presented a concrete plan aimed at restarting international travel.

During the event, WTTC emphasised the importance of public and private sector collaboration to speed recovery. The CEOs and international organisations that attended the meeting spoke on the importance of resuming international travel, which is key for global economic recovery.

Attendees highlighted the importance of coordinated testing programmes and protocols at departure points as the solution to regain consumer confidence and recover millions of jobs. There was also support for international corridors, such as London-New York, to boost international travel.

Quotes from CEOs in Attendance

With more than 197 million jobs set to be impacted by end of 2020, attendees agreed that decisive action was needed to relieve social hardship caused by the pandemic.

The Recovery Plan

G20 October Meeting

WTTC Global Summit 2021 G20 Sessions

During the WTTC Global Summit 2021 in Cancun, Mexico, the Recovery Plan was discussed and Ahmed Al Khateeb, Saudi Arabia's Minister of Tourism, discussed what was accomplished under the Kingdom’s leadership of the G20 and what more needs to be done to enable the sector’s recovery.

Strategic Partners:        AMEX  Ministry of Tourism Saudi Arabia